
Zynaptiq Acquires & Updates TRIUMPH, MYRIAD, SPECTRE, AURA and LOOP EDITOR

Hannover, May 28th, 2020: We're happy to announce that we have good news for users of TRIUMPHMYRIADAURASPECTRE and LOOP EDITORthey're back!

As users of these applications since day 1, we at zynaptiq are thrilled to let you know that we have acquired these classic apps, giving them a new home.

For you, this means that your software will now work again, and that we will provide support and updates. You are also in the upgrade path for all future developments of these products.

Or in other words: We consider you to be a member of the zynaptiq family!

To get you back up and running as quickly as possible, the apps are being rolled out in two stages.

Stage 1: The Legacy Support Release

This release is meant to switch the stuff back on for existing users as quickly as possible, focusing on the must-do issues, and leaving anything that can wait for later. The Legacy Support version is available only for existing users, is a free update, and available right now.
Simply download the free update here & activate using your existing credentials...done!

Stage 2: The Commercial Release

In Stage 2, we will be making these awesome apps available for purchase for new users, too – stay tuned!

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