What's New in TRIUMPH 3

Version 3 is a massive upgrade to TRIUMPH. Available exclusively as part of the paid version 2.0 update to the Mac Audio Apps Bundle, TRIUMPH 3 adds more than 100 new features, enhancements and fixes.

New Feature Highlights in V3

  • Native Apple Silicon Support TRIUMPH 3 now supports M1 processors natively.
  • The Mac Audio Apps now use PACE copy protection like our plug-in products.
  • Layer Blend Modes Instead of simply adding layers sequentially, you can now set any layer to morph, vocode, ring-modulate or cross-fade with the previous layers, to create unique new sounds with essentially 1 click.
    • TRIUMPH 3 features a total of 6 morphing and vocoding Blend Modes, based on technology used in our popular MORPH 2 and ORANGE VOCODER IV processors, and a brand-new, high-quality oversampled ring-modulator.
    • The Blend Mode parameters can be automated by dragging automation to the Layer Automation row that is displayed at the bottom of a layer's space in the layer list when you disclose the layer contents - underneath the last plugin. Note: the first layer can not use the Blend Modes, as they obviously need 2 sources.
    • There are new (key) commands to set the selected layer(s)'s Blend Modes directly, reset their settings to default, and increment the selection's Blend Mode(s) by +- 1.
    • The Blend Mode and its parameters can be set from the scripting engine for creating wild custom actions.
  • New Processors & Process Menu All DSP/editing processor functions are now accessed via the new Process menu, and each have their own, non-modal window for a much improved workflow.
    • Each Processor window has its own key commands for toggling visibility of its window and for executing the process with the current settings (settings are remembered).
    • Each Processor window also features a preset manager, and comes with factory presets.
    • Every Processor window allows creating a Custom Action that applies the Processor with its current settings, and assigning a key command to that action in the process. In other words: assign any Processor setting to a custom key command with near-zero effort.
    • New Time & Pitch Processor This new processor uses our critically acclaimed ZTX® Pro Time-Stretching & Pitch-Shifting technology for processing your audio at maximum quality. The old Speed & Pitch using the OS's time/pitch processing is of course still available in the "Legacy" sub-menu.
    • New Cyclic Stretch Processor A precision-engineered, high definition hybrid between granular synthesis and the magic cyclic time-stretching of vintage samplers, this Processor takes the process of creating dense drones, pulsating textures, and stretched resonant granular effects to the next level, both in terms of sonic detail as well as ease of use.
    • New Transpose Processor Based on our mastering-grade KSRC sample-rate conversion technology, this Processor is made for re-pitching your audio at maximum quality, with optional ZTX® Pro formant shifting/correction.
    • New Repeat Processor Quickly repeat selected SmartEdits or a time range using this straight-forward Processor.
    • New Rotate Edits On Layer Processor This Processor changes the ordering of edits on the selected layer by rotation - for example turning ABCD into BCDA, CDAB, DABC etc. Permutation for the win!
    • New Slice at Equal Distances Processor Slice the selected SmartEdit or time range of the current layer into an adjustable number of equidistantly spaced slices...chop, chop.
  • Improved Workflow & Handling Stream-lined handling in many places, including a new option to save the document as flat file for much faster turn-around times.
  • Improved Render Workflow The Render workflow has been significantly improved:
    • Render Normalization The Render workflow now includes the option to normalize the audio to an arbitrary peak level.
    • Normalize provides a grouped normalize function when rendering multiple items (regions, tracks).
    • An option is provided to normalize only to prevent clipping.
  • Mute-style Functionality New key commands allow toggling the enabled/disabled status for Smart Edits, time selections, and layers.
  • Signal Flow & Levels Visualization The Layer List now displays the signal path as well as signal levels for improved workflow.

Also Improved in V3

Toolbar, Navigation & Playback Control

  • The Tool Bar now features a separate item for the Generate... functionality.
  • The Tool Bar now provides visual feedback if Varispeed or Output Level are not at default values.
  • The Tool Bar now features re-designed "flat" icons.
  • The Tool Bar "overflow" listing, which appears when the window is too narrow to display all activated Tool Bar items, now displays the item icons and works as expected.
  • The Playback Varispeed slider can now be adjusted in a much wider range of -4...+2 octaves, and may be included when rendering your workspace, regions, or tracks, using KSRC or Apple sample rate conversion. An arbitrary range is supported using numerical entry.
  • The Playback Varispeed can now be applied to all Layers, pre any plugins or Layer Blending, using a new button in Varispeed popover.
  • The Play Selection command as well as the Cycle Content, Cycle Selection and Skip Selection functions are now available directly from the Tool Bar.
  • The new Playhead Follows Selection function will set the playhead when making a selection.
  • The Playhead Follows Selection and Catch Playhead functions now have buttons on the Tool Bar for faster access. These were previously located in the Playback Options and Waveform Bar Preferences, respectively.
  • Catch Playhead has its own popover for defining its behavior.
  • The Playback Options Tool Bar button/menu has been retired, and instead, its settings (On Stop and MIDI playback options) have been consolidated into the Transport Section's Playback Settings popover. The checkboxes for Pre-Roll and Post-Roll have not been carried over from the Playback Options - roll functionality is now available only using the specialized key commands. This reduces clutter, back-and-forths and inconsistencies, while retaining all functionality.
  • The Overview Bar now has reduced minimum height, allowing for a cleaner layout.
  • The Overview Bar's highlighted navigation segment now has a blue border to make it clearer that it is an interactive control.
  • The Waveform Bar now features buttons that trigger the Zoom To Selection and Horizontal Zoom To Display All commands, next to the zoom slider in the bottom right.
  • The selection range boundaries have been added as landmarks for the Previous and Next transport commands.
  • Improved Double-Click Actions in Waveform View Previously, a double-click on the waveform view would select the duration of the WORKSPACE (rather than the current layer). The new behavior is:
    • If clicking between two markers, a double-click will now select the range between the markers, a triple-click the whole layer, and a quadruple-click the whole Workspace.
    • If not clicking between markers, a double-click selects the whole layer, and a triple-click the whole Workspace.
  • You can now scroll the content area vertically. A mouse-wheel/trackpad can be used to scroll both the content area itself, as well as the contained views, depending on above which item the mouse cursor is currently positioned. Additionally, you can hold control + option to force scrolling of the whole content area over the contained items, or use the (optional) scrollbar, like before.

Source/Destination Editing

  • 3 New Actions Append Selection to Destination, Append Selection to Destination With Gap, and Copy Selection to Destination.
  • The Destination Bar's waveform view rendering has been improved.
  • If no destination is set when a source/destination action is triggered, TRIUMPH 3 will now automatically set this up for you - it will create a new layer, in a new workspace, and assign this as the destination.
  • The Stretch Selection Range to Destination Range action now uses ZTX® Pro stretching for greatly improved quality.

Audio Engine

  • Workspace Audio Settings Sampling rate and buffer size of the audio hardware can now be set per workspace. Previously, the app was "slaved" to whatever the OS was doing, which required using Audio MIDI setup to make changes (and hoping that no other app interfered...). TRIUMPH will now request exclusive control of Core Audio when in the foreground, and allows releasing the hardware when in the background and stopped.
  • The app allows you to select a sampling rate unsupported by the current hardware and then runs a sample rate converter for monitoring. Flexibility rules.
  • Improved MISO Plugin Handling While TRIUMPH currently does not support AU plug-ins with different input and output channel counts. However, TRIUMPH will now offer to make a new stereo layer with dual mono content when trying to insert a mono-in, stereo-out plugin on a mono layer.
  • High Sampling Rate Support All sampling rate combo boxes allow entering any sampling rate from 1Hz to whatever your computer can handle, and now also include 384kHz and 768kHz preset options. TRIUMPH generally supports any sampling rates for import/export, synthesis, and rendering.

Flattening, Rendering & Analysis

  • Improved Flatten Functionality We have significantly upgraded and extended the Flatten functionality to provide more flexibility, better model various workflows, and generally improve UX:
    • The Edit menu now has a sub-menu Flatten, that displays all Flatten commands. Flatten operations avaiable from the current selection/focus context are highlighted and unavailable ones grayed out.
    • All Flatten operations now respect a new Workspace setting, Flatten Sample Rate
    • The Flatten Sample Rate setting allows setting any desired sampling rate, as well as selecting any of the common standard sample rates up to 768kHz. It also features three automatic modes:
      • Workspace: use the Workspace sampling rate set in the Workspace settings. This creates a workflow similar to other editing applications that do not support mixing sampling rates within a project.
      • Highest Used: use the highest sampling rate used in the entire Workspace (including the Workspace sampling rate). This way, you can make sure that you never lose resolution.
      • Highest Selected: use the highest sampling rate of the selected layers/effects/fades, excluding the Workspace sampling rate. For example: when you have a 48k layer with a plugin in a 96k workspace, the Flatten up to here command in the plugin's popover will flatten at 48k. This is essentially the previous version's behavior.
    • Plug-in and Fade popovers/windows now offer the new Flatten Layer Up To Here command in their lower left menu, which will flatten the whole layer through any processors up to and including the one from where the command is invoked. Previously, this command was confusingly called Flatten and did not work as expected. This command is also available from the right-/CTRL-click context menu for plugins and fades.
    • We have added a new flatten operation, Flatten Workspace Up To Here, which will flatten all layers up to and including the one the command is invoked from, leaving subsequent layers as well as any master layer processing in place.
    • Additionally, Fade Shapes offer Flatten in Place if placed before any AU plug-ins; this command will flatten just the faded area and insert the result into the layer, replacing the segment. This Flatten operation will always use the layer's original sample rate.
    • All Flatten operations now always retain any reverb tail.
    • A new, context-sensitive Flatten command has been added that will flatten the currently selected item.
    • All Flatten operations can now have key commands assigned to them.
    • In all menus that offer Flatten functionality, holding ALT/OPT will toggle to alternative Flatten operations, e.g. Flatten Current Layer to New Layer, Flatten Workspace up to Here to New Layer etc. The "To New Layer" operations place the result of the Flatten on a new layer, leaving the flattened items in place and disabled, rather than replacing them.
  • Improved Analysis The Analysis function (and thus all normalize procedures) now adheres to the Red Book definition of a clipping event, and thus flags any sequence of 3 or more consecutive full-scale samples as clipped.
  • Improved Render Regions with Retain Tail Rendering regions with Retain Tail activated now behaves as expected; the function would previously include audio outside of the region while the tail was active.
  • Improved Render Workflow The Render Workflow's sample rate and dither settings have been consolidated into one audio options page, together with the new normalize functionality, to streamline the process. The sampling rate can now use the new automatic modes, Workspace and Highest Used. Also, the dither module can now apply per-item dither automatically if rendering multiple formats with different bit depths at the same time. "Illegal" combinations will result in a warning icon to be displayed.

Presets, Lists, Actions, Scripting

  • Plugin Settings Handling When dragging a plugin from the layer list to the plugin list to create a setting, the file name will automatically append _edited, as well as - when needed - a number, to the list entry name, and select its name for editing. This avoids creating duplicate entries with the same name. Also, plugin settings and chains now have their own icon to make it easier to tell them apart.
  • All processor panels now have their own preset manager and factory presets.
  • The Manage page of the preset managers (in both both Processor as well as AU Plugin panels) now suppots displaying and creating sub-directories - when saving a preset, using a slash in the preset name will create a sub-directory.
  • Source list categories can now be closed; ALT/OPT-click collapses or un-collapses all categories
  • There is now a lock button at the left of the sources list header; if this is on, the list will not be switched automatically. For example, flattening or any other action that creates an asset would switch the list to the asset list view.
  • Fixed behavior of multiple scripts, actions, processors in combination with prefs anti-click setting; you can now call the SPLICE and DELETE AUDIO FROM commands from Apple Script / custom Actions with the argument "with no anti click" to temporarily bypass anticlick.
  • Invoking the Custom Action command from the render workflow or a processor window will open a panel for naming the action, setting a key command, and favoriting it.
  • Added new display tempo, display meter numerator, and display meter denominator properties to the scripting interface of the Workspace
  • Split the Set tempo from Selection Range Action into Set Tempo from Selection Range (Display) and Set Tempo from Selection Range (Metadata).
  • Action Undo Grouping All factory Actions that perform more than one operation will now undo the whole sequence by a single use of the Undo command.
  • Improved Editing of Multiple Entries in Lists This now generally behaves smarter, including relative positioning for location values, automatic addition of an incremental numerial suffix for naming, and sanity checking for fades.

Drag & Drop

  • Audio files can now be dragged from the Finder to the Layer list directly.
  • Dragging and dropping an audio file or multiple audio files on the app icon now always creates a new document, and adds the file(s) to it.
  • Renders can now be dragged into the Asset and Layer Lists.
  • Assets can now be dragged from the Asset list to the Waveform Bar, if the sample rate matches. If dragging multiple assets, they will be added sequentially. If adding assets with a lower number of channels than the layer has, they will be placed in the lowest number channels; if dragging assets with a higher number of channels, the layer's channel count will be increased, accordingly.


  • App Performance Significantly improved the overall app performance when working with many Smart Edits.
  • App Performance Significantly improved the waveform drawing/scrolling performance.
  • SmartEdit Enable State Visualization Disabled (muted) Smart Edits now visualize their enabled/disabled state much more clearly. Previously, they would simply not render their waveform, so it was impossible to tell the difference between a Smart Edit that contained silence and a disabled Smart Edit. We now render a blue bullet in front of the edit name and render the waveform in a semi-opaque grey color.
  • Layer Creation When creating a Layer by dragging an Asset to the Layer list, the resulting Layer is now automatically selected.
  • Smart Edit Selection Smart Edits can now be selected by a click on their Handles, too, and click zones for drag operations have been adjusted for improved handling.
  • Smart Edit Selection Improved click handling for smart edits when using a Magic Mouse or pen tablet; clicks were previously sometimes misinterpreted as drag operations.
  • Smart Edit Object Selection You can now select edits in the waveform by dragging over them while holding ALT/OPT; add SHIFT to add to an existing object selection, and CMD click on an edit to deselect it.
  • Copying of SmartEdits You can now copy a SmartEdit simply by holding ALT/OPT before clicking and dragging it, as in most other editing applications.
  • BPM & Signature Info Handling BPM and signature can now be set per workspace in the Clock's Bars | Beats window, and written to Metadata from there.
  • Asset Handling The app will now delete audio assets, renders and analysis files that are no longer referenced by the layer list, the asset list, the renders list, or the analysis list when the project is closed. Previously, unreferenced assets would start piling up in the project file for no particular reason...
  • Key Command Focus You should now experience significantly less cases where you press a key command and it simply fails to execute without any apparent reason.
  • Layer Popover Name Field Behavior This field is now not automatically selected for editing when the popover for a layer is opened. Now you can actually use key commands (like play/stop) after having opened the popover, without messing up the layer's name.
  • New Dynamic Default Window Layout If no user window layout has been saved, any new document window will have 90% of the screen's width and height, the Overview bar's height will be minimized, the Waveform bar's height maximized, and all other editors closed.
  • New Clear Default Layout Command clears any user saved layout (enabling the new dynamic default layout)
  • Operations like Analyze, applying a Processor, or flattening re now modal (meaning they block the application to prevent inconsistencies), and will now display a progress bar that allows cancelling the operation.
  • The Process menu related key commands now have their own category in the "Bindings" prefs page
  • The key command assign button on the popover for actions etc. is now called Set Key, no longer appears greyed out, and will open the regular key assignment window just like in the "Bindings" section of the prefs panel.
  • The sort order of various menus now makes sense by being alphabetical.
  • Clarified naming of various key commands
  • When the OS is running in Dark Mode, the installer now shows the Zynaptiq logo in white (and not blue. People of the world, rejoice! Yay!)
  • Improved Plugin Error Handling When loading a project, if a plugin is not available, not authorized, or fails to load for some other reason, a placeholder is displayed, and plug-in settings are retained. This prevents accidental alteration of the project on saving in some circumstances.
  • You can now vertically move SmartEdits between the channels of a Layer.
  • You can now assign a key command for inserting any plugin, plugin setting, or shape.
  • Renders will now "remember" where thy have previously been saved to, and can thus reveal those locations in the Finder.
  • Improved Generate Processor Frequency can now be entered as pitch, and sampling rate can be set to one of the two automatic modes Workspace and Highest Used.

Other Bug Fixes in this version:

  • Fixed an issue where some plug-in UIs did not load when opened second time.
  • Fixed an issue where the Flux Level Magic plugin prevented the app from closing.
  • Fixed an issue where plugin UIs could disappears after clicking "Done".
  • Fixed an issue where unnamed Loop Markers caused a crash when deleted after renaming.
  • Fixed various Crashes in connection with undo operations.
  • Fixed a crash on ejecting the selected Audio Interface.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a click at the end of audio file playback.
  • Fixed various UI layout issues in Big Sur.
  • Fixed various UI layout and rendering issues in Monterey.
  • Fixed a rare crash after playing back recalled session on Big Sur.
  • Fixed a crash on deleting a plug-in from the Master Layer.
  • Fixed crashes caused by calling undo while an action was still executing.
  • Fixed an issue where layers would accept a drag/drop of an asset with a non-matching SR, then crash.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause error messages and/or a crash when moving a plug-in from the Master Layer to a regular layer.
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to a crash when calling undo after moving multiple plug-ins.
  • Fixed an issue where SmartEdits sometimes moved around erroneously in combination with process/undo.
  • Fixed an issue where the Waveform Bar sometimes did not render waveform content correctly (for example low frequency square waves...).
  • Fixed an issue that could cause error messages and broken undo state when flattening within a plug-in chain.
  • Fixed an issue where the Layer List's content could be scrolled off-screen when opening a session saved on a much larger screen.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when moving a manually created channel in the channel list.
  • Fixed a crash when instantiating a plug-in fails.

Part of the Mac Audio Apps Bundle

TRIUMPH 3 is exclusively available as part of the Mac Audio Apps 2 bundle.

Mac Audio Apps 2 Bundle Boxshot
  • Check Out the Mac Audio Apps Bundle 2.x
  • Try the Mac Audio Apps Bundle 2.x