Apply For A License

To apply for a free 3-month license for World Cup HORN SUPPRESSOR, please fill in the form below. We will review your application and contact you shortly. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk, all other fields are optional and serve only to help us improve our software. You can review our privacy policy here.

Please Note: World Cup HORN SUPPRESSOR requires a free account for activation. is a third party and as such governed by their own privacy policy, available for your review at their website.

You can activate the full version to your computer or to an optional iLok 2 or 3* USB key (not included). To activate to a computer, it will need to be connected to the internet. If using an iLok2 or iLok3, you can use a different computer (that has internet access) to activate to the iLok key, then plug it into your production machine.

*Please note: the older, first generation (blue) iLok is not supported!

Basic License Operations Guide

For a step-by-step guide on how to activate or de-activate your plugin, start a free trial, move an activation from one computer to a different one, as well as general copy protection info, please refer to this guide.

Current Version Number: 1.1