SuperMegaUltraGroovy CAPO

ZTX provides the time stretching and pitch shifting functionality for SuperMegaUltraGroovy's innovative CAPO application. CAPO for Mac and iOS helps musicians learn to play their favorite songs in their iTunes library.

"ZTX saved me a great deal of time during the development of Capo. Its straightforward interface, and flexibility, made the integration process go very smoothly." - Christopher Liscio


ZTX is used in our own application TIME FACTORY, a precision batch time-stretching and pitch-shifting application, currently for Mac OS X. TIME FACTORY is used in the world's top studios for high quality time/pitch processing in music production, audio post (frame rate conversion) and sound design.

System Requirements

  • Mac OS: Xcode 8 or later, x86_64 or arm64, minimum deployment target 10.9
  • Windows: VS 2022 or later, deployment to Windows 10 or newer.
  • iOS 12 or later, arm64
  • Android 5.0 (API Level 21) or later, NDK r26d
  • Ubuntu Linux 22.04 or later with GCC 11.4.0 or later