Buy Now at 2Checkout
MORPH 3 and MORPH 3 PRO are available for purchase from the website of our retail partner 2Checkout.
Purchase From a North American Reseller
To purchase from a North Amercian reseller, please visit the website of our North American distribution partner, Eleven Dimensions Media.
Purchase From an German Or Austrian Reseller
To find a German reseller, please visit the website of our German distribution partner, Audiowerk.
Purchase From a Japanese Reseller
To purchase from a Japanese reseller, please visit the website of our Japanese distribution partner, TACSystem.
Purchase From a Swedish Reseller
To find a Sweden-based reseller, please visit the website of our Swedish distribution partner, Sweden MIDI Music.
Please note that all sales are handled by authorized resellers, to whose website you will be taken when following purchase links. The terms of sale, returns and privacy policies of the authorized reseller where you make a purchase apply, and can be viewed on their respective website. Also note that some partner stores may offer an extended download period as a payed option --- this is a service of the store, Zynaptiq will always provide you with your installers free of charge, just email us!

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Buy MORPH 3!
Upgrade to MORPH 3 or MORPH 3 PRO
Upgrades available starting as low as
USD 69/EUR 79
We have a variety of upgrade options from individual MORPH 2 licenses, as well as from the DESIGN, REMIX or ZAP III bundles. Click the button below to find your perfect upgrade!
Upgrades require surrendering an existing, full and non-NFR license for MORPH 2 or the bundle being upgraded from.